135th August 24 & 25, 2024

Horse Draw

Registration at 9:00 am, 10:00 Start

The new pulling area is safer and more effective for the teams to pull in!
This year’s horse pull is open to everyone! No invitation needed.

3300 LBS. and under



Prizes in each class: 1st = $300.00   2nd = $250.00   3rd = $200.00
After Third Place, a hitch fee of $150.00 will be paid after two (2) completed draws (to a maximum of six (6) teams)


Rules and Regulations

1. The teams must be on the grounds by 9:00 am. With a 10:00 am start time.

2. All teams must complete an obstacle course prior to the pull to qualify for full participation.

3. The course shall be 150’/46 m long, with side lines 20’/6m apart.

4. To qualify, a draw of at least 20’/6 m is to be completed.

5. When a team is the last team to successfully pull the stone boat the full distance of 20 feet they must return for another pull with added weight (at least one more block).

6. The heavy and light class may be run concurrently at the discretion of the judge.

7. Teams will be allowed three (3) attempts to qualify.

8. While drawing, horses must stay within sidelines of the course, or be excused.

9. A) All draws are to be taken in order. Pass-ups will be allowed after the first 3 draws are successfully completed (Only 2 pass-ups in a row are allowed).
B) The first 4 draws will be one block at a time- after that, a minimum of 2 blocks at a time will be put on the stone boat.

10. Ten minutes will be allowed to repair broken harness or equipment which has occurred during a draw, before calling on the next team.

11. Contestants will draw for their position or order prior to the commencement of competition.

12. Any forward movement of the stone boat will be considered as a draw.

13. Officials and contestants only are allowed within the course area during the draw.

14. Three minutes will be allowed for a teamster to hitch his team, “Times” will commence from the moment the team enters the draw area during the draw.

15. A) The teamster and 2 assistants only will be allowed in the draw area.
B) The teamster must have a person to help hook.